I am Dr. Augoustinos Tsiros, an HCI and UX research specialist based in Edinburgh. I worked as a UX Researcher at Music Tribe in an R&D team specialising in artificial intelligence. Previously, I worked as a lecturer and a researcher at the Center for Interaction Design of Edinburgh Napier University.
I have an in-depth understanding of several quantitative and qualitative research methods and experience working on hardware and software consumer-facing products.
I am particularly interested in how people interact with AI technologies, data visualisation to make complex information easier to understand and how technology can enhance human creativity and well-being.
A little more about myself
I love observing, measuring and quantifying user attitudes and behaviours to help multidisciplinary teams answer complex product-related questions.
My research has helped solve a range of design challenges, including:
streamlining workflows to increase efficiency and enjoyment,
increasing trust and level of control over automation,
Structuring information in the most effective ways to help users gain insights, increase contextual awareness, and make informed decisions.
I continuously seek to extend my skills in applied research and design methods to help teams create successful digital products and services that satisfy real user needs and align well with business goals and ongoing developments in the marketplace.
Fellow of Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA) awarded in 2017
Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) awarded in 2017
Best Demo Award, Electronic Visualization, and the Arts Conference 2013
Programme committee memberships in several international conferences, including AudioMostly, ACM DIS, EVA London, UbiMus, JSS, SMC
I have presented at various academic and professional events, including:
ACM Designing Interactive Systems, International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Sound and Music Computing,
Edinburgh UX Meetup,
Edinburgh Science Festival,
Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance, British Computer Society.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.